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2101 E. River Road | Tucson, AZ 85718
Phone: 520-209-7551 | Fax: 520-209-7575
Office Hours: 8:30am - 5:00pm
CARE: 520-209-7548



Travis Kolter

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 Kinder Plus Registration for School Year 2025/2026

  • In-District, Valley View ELC and Continuing Open Enrollment Families - Open Now
  • New Open Enrollment Families’ will open Monday, February 10, 2025 @ 8:30 am

Catalina Foothills School District, through Community Schools, will be offering an optional half-day, fee-based program, Kindergarten Plus, to complement the half-day Kindergarten program on all elementary campuses. This program will meet the needs of families and children by providing a full day curriculum experience taught by a state certified Early Childhood teacher. Children enrolled in Kindergarten Plus will be provided a curriculum aligned with the Catalina Foothills Envision 21: Deep Learning Kindergarten standards and extended time for science experimentation, reading instruction and practice, as well as time to enhance skills such as problem solving, social interactions and technology applications

Kindergarten Plus is a first come, first serve registration.  There are no guaranteed spots but the district will do its best to accommodate as many families as possible. 

  • Providing false information, regarding residency status, may result in the revocation of your child’s registration.
  • Completion of the Kindergarten Plus registration does not guarantee placement into a Kindergarten Plus class. You will be notified once your child has been placed into a Kindergarten Plus class section.
  • To Register for Kindergarten Plus:
    STEP 1: Create a Community Schools Account (if you do not already have one): https://cs.cfsd16.org

  • STEP 2: After logging in, Select the "New 2025-2026 Registration" button on the Kindergarten Plus program. You will fill out an Information Cards, sign and submit. This will create the registration but it is not complete. Click on “Select Kinder Plus Preference” and choose your school location. If your school choice shows full, please add your child to the waiting list.

  • STEP 3: Pay the $75 registration fee and first month’s tuition of $315, prior to logging out. Failure to complete this payment will release the spot from your shopping cart.

  • Open Enrolled families may reserve a spot in K+ prior to Open Enrollment acceptance.

  • All registration fees and tuition payments are non-refundable, unless an Open Enrolled family is denied the opportunity to attend their school.

  • Spaces may not be reserved for K+ at multiple schools...select the first-choice school.

  • Yearly tuition is $3,150 (10 payments of $315/month, non-refundable). 

  • All monthly payments are due on the first of the month and no later than the 7th of each month, beginning with Payment #2 due by September 7, 2025.  You will need to login to your registration monthly to make your payments. The system does not store nor automatically charge your card. An email will be sent to remind you of the upcoming payment due. Any payments after the 7th of the month will be assessed a $25 late fee.

  • Tuition discounts based on demonstrated financial need (maximum 20% discount) may be available. Contact the Community Schools office for a fee-reduction application form and a list of accompanying documentation required upon submission.

  • Kindergarten Plus tuition is eligible for the Arizona State income tax credit as allowed by A.R.S. 43-1089, (up to $400 for joint filers, per tax year. Please contact your tax advisor for more information. These non-refundable tax credit payments may be claimed for 2 calendar years, per individual or per couple joint filing.
  • Extended Day CARE will be available before school from 7:00am-8:00am and after school from 3:00pm-6:00pm (1:30-6:00pm on Early Release days).  The rate will be 6.50/hour.  There is also a $75 registration fee for the CARE program. If your child is enrolled in both the Kindergarten Plus and CARE program, you will receive a credit for the $75 on your K+ account.  For more information about this optional program, please call 209-7548 or visit the CARE website, https://communityschools.cfsd16.org.
  • We are committed to high standards of excellence in all our school district programs and know that children that are enrolled in our Kindergarten programs experience a high degree of success as they enter our first-grade classes. By enrolling your child in our Kindergarten programs, you will be taking the first step for your child’s successful educational journey in Catalina Foothills School District. What is the C.A.R.E. Program?

We look forward to having you join our programs and schools. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call one of us.

The CFSD Community Schools and Elementary Administrative Team

1) Will the state provide funding for full day Kindergarten?

For the 2025-2026 school year (and foreseeable future), we know that the state has decided to fund ½ day Kindergarten only for all public schools. Therefore, a full-day option will not be funded by the state for school year 2025-2026.

2) How will curriculum be modified to fit the half-day schedule and still achieve CFSD benchmarks?

The curriculum will remain the same, just with less time devoted to each content area. The Kindergarten Plus program will provide opportunities for more in-depth learning to take place, as well as time to practice skills and concepts.

3) Will my child get specials in the "regular" Kindergarten program?

Every Kindergarten student will receive specials according to the master schedule created by the site principals.

4) Do we get to choose morning or afternoon Kindergarten?

Site principals will balance student enrollments (both open enrollment and in-district) when placing students in kindergarten classes similar to previous years when CFSD operated half-day Kindergarten programs. Bus routes and schedules will also play an important role when deciding kindergarten placements.

5) How was the cost of the Kindergarten Plus program determined?

The Kindergarten Plus program will be staffed with a certified teacher and 1-2 classroom aides. Kindergarten Plus will provide the opportunity for your child to further explore, practice, and extend key elements in the CFSD Kindergarten curriculum. Your tuition will also include an hour for supervised lunch (students bring their own) and playground time. Your child will have access to the district's technology in the classroom, as well as access to the school library.

6) Why can’t we just have CARE operate at this time? Wouldn’t that be much cheaper?

For School Year 2025-2026, CARE for four hours a day for a month would cost approximately $480-$575. That program would be structured as a childcare program, without a certified teacher. We believe that having certified teachers supplementing the CFSD Kindergarten curriculum provides a better structured learning environment, and at a more affordable cost each month.

7) I don’t think I’m going to be able to afford Kindergarten Plus, but could I pay a nominal fee to have my child stay through lunch for the social interaction and help me out in terms of picking them up/dropping them off?

At this time we will not be able to accommodate this request. Staffing the lunch hour will be a challenge depending on the numbers of children that enroll in morning and afternoon programs.

8) Is there any chance there could be a cost cut across the board if we guarantee a minimum enrollment in Kindergarten Plus?

We must commit to paying each staff member’s salary. This option could jeopardize the security of these positions. There are other variables that could affect the guarantee of minimum enrollment, including but not limited to parents choosing to withdraw during the school year.

9) Why do we have to pay for full day Kindergarten when other districts are providing it free?

All school districts have a variety of funding streams available. The main funding stream is dollars per student from the state of Arizona. The state provides funding to all districts for a half-day of Kindergarten. Other funding streams exist depending on socioeconomic status, grants received, etc... Several surrounding districts have chosen to take additional funds they have available (that CFSD does not receive) and lump them into providing a free Kindergarten program.

10) Do I get to pick the teacher my child gets since I'm paying this much money?

No. Principals will take suggestions, but no promises are made about which teacher your student will have.

11) If enrolled in Spanish or Mandarin Immersion and Kindergarten Plus, will there be a Kinder Plus for Spanish or Mandarin Immersion students separate from regular Kindergarten students?

During the half-day kindergarten program, 100% of the core instruction (Language Arts/Chinese or Spanish literacy skills, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health) is taught in Chinese or Spanish. All special area classes (Art, Music, PE) are taught in English. There will not be a Kinder Plus for Spanish or Chinese Immersion students separate from non-immersion Kindergarten students.

12) Does a student have to be enrolled in Kindergarten Plus in order to be in the immersion program?


13) Kindergarten Plus tuition is eligible for the Arizona State income tax credit as allowed by A.R.S. 43-1089.01,  (up to $400 for joint filers, per tax year). Please contact your tax advisor for more information. This tuition must be paid through the Community Schools office. It can not be paid through the district tax credit site.