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2101 E. River Road | Tucson, AZ 85718
Phone: 520-209-7551 | Fax: 520-209-7575
Office Hours: 8:30am - 5:00pm
CARE: 520-209-7548



Travis Kolter

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Kids Camping

Outdoors Badge

Where every great adventure starts!

Our after school classes, daytrips, and weekly programs challenge campers to make a more meaningful connection with the outdoors and each other while treading lightly on the planet.

Each program, no matter the level, length, or difficulty works to build character, confidence, wilderness survival skills, environmental stewardship, a respect for others and the outdoors. 

Our Outdoor Adventure Program is the cover story in the June edition of the

Catalina Foothills Lifestyle Magazine!!! 

Take a look!


screenshot of Catalina Foothills Lifestyle magazine featuring a large Joshua Tree cactus and a group of kids standing at the base.









Salt River Campout!

2-3 mile hikes daily, 500-1000 ft in elevation change.  Minimal physical exertion sustained for short periods of time. Supportive soled shoes required.  No flat soled shoes permitted.

Suitable for those with beginning outdoor experiences.


3-7th graders join CS Outdoors for another fun adventure during Fall Break, October 9-11, 2024!

Join us for an unforgettable Fall Break adventure to the Salt River & Saguaro Lake!

This camp is designed for 3rd to 8th graders who love the great outdoors and are ready for an exciting and educational experience. Our camp offers a perfect blend of nature exploration, recreational activities including camping & hiking, and environmental education, all set in the stunning landscapes of the Tonto National Forest.

    Meet at CFHS at 9am and depart to Salt River & Saguaro Lake in Tonto National Forest

GUIDES: Mary Grodman

 DATES: - October 9 - 11, 2024

 GRADES:  3 - 7

FEE: $345




Please carefully read each trip description, and if you have any questions before registering, feel free to email mgrodman@cfsd16.org. We can assist in matching your child with the appropriate trip based on their level of experience.

Participating in an adventure doesn't require being a professional athlete, but it does necessitate being an active person. A keen desire to learn, have fun, strong motivation, and a positive attitude are equally crucial for success!


Here are some essential gear items that campers will need for all our Adventure Programs. Prior to departure, we will email you with specific pack lists for each camp.

A DAYPACK to hold lunch, snacks, water & sunscreen.

    A DUFFEL BAG if you are going on a trip with an overnight.

     Two (2) WATER BOTTLES that hold at least 1-liter of water.

    HIKING SHOES or BOOTS that have good tread.


M E E T  Y O U R  G U I D E S

All programs led by qualified, experienced, outdoor professionals.

M A R Y  G R O D M A N


Mary Grodman, Adventure Guide & Program Coordinator, is one of our founding staff of the OA program. Mary has been teaching classes and leading outdoor adventure programs for over 10 years! Mary has a degree in Environmental Science & Criminal Justice from Stockton University in New Jersey and is a certified backpacking, canyoneering and rock climbing guide. Mary has worked as a naturalist, on a trail crew and holds certifications in CPR, Leave No Trace Guidelines, Food Handling, Basic Water Rescue and Wilderness First Aid. Mary handles all the program logistics from making camping reservations, securing permits, ordering supplies and helps design the curriculum for each trip. She loves to GET OUTSIDE and is ready for another year of Fun, Adventure and Education with your camper!

Ms. Grodman. Ms. Grodman


Ms. Tanner

P O L L Y  T A N N E R


Polly Tanner, Adventure Guide, spends the school year at Manzanita Elementary School's Library where she has been encouraging & inspiring book-readers for 29 years! When she does manage to get some time outside, she spends it trail running around Tucson and kayaking Arizona’s rivers and lakes. Polly is certified in CPR, Leave No Trace Guidelines, and holds a NOLS Wilderness First Aid certification. She has worked on perfecting every detail of our trip itineraries and journals; incorporating the history and wilderness education for each adventure since 2013! She is excited to incorporate a focus on night sky education into our program this year!


B L A K E   H I N S O N


Blake Hinson, Adventure Guide, is a teacher at Catalina Foothills High School and loves hiking, camping and recreating! He moved to Tucson from Colorado where he worked for Rocky Mountain National Park for 8 years. He has an undergraduate degree in Science from Colorado State University and a Masters Degree in Education from University of Northern Colorado. During his free time, he loves to run and bike. Blake is the Girl’s Cross Country and the Track & Field Throwing Coach for Foothills High School. He is excited to share his knowledge about the Sonoran Desert and all the great outdoor opportunities it presents!



Mr. Hinson. Mr. Hinson



Community Schools Outdoors Staff

  • Everyone on our Outdoor Staff is fun, friendly, helpful, and sincerely interested in making sure that your camper has a great time on their trip!
  • Feel safe sending your camper with Guides who have certifications in Wilderness First Aid, Leave No Trace Outdoor Ethics, Basic Water Rescue, Backpacking & Canyoneering and Safe Food Handling.
  • Our staff is well versed about the geology, ecology and history of the areas in which we operate, and we enjoy answering questions and sharing our knowledge with your camper. We pride ourselves in having good equipment and taking care of it. We also work continuously to implement new and innovative ideas that make our trips even better and more comfortable for everyone.
  • We keep our trip enrollment numbers small so we can put a personal touch on every adventure program.  We strive to make sure everyone receives individual attention!
  • Camp food will be abundant and delicious, nutritious meals are served throughout our 5-day trips and always with some help from the campers.
  • We provide a pack list & itinerary for each trip, so you and your student know how to prepare for your program.

Our motto is Fun, Adventure & Education; Community Schools Outdoors can meet all your child’s outdoor adventure needs!

Check back often to see our most current offerings! 


To facilitate a better understanding of the challenges you may encounter on your Adventure Camp, we have established a grading system that assesses the technical complexity and physical demands of each trip.  When registering for a camp, it is crucial to be aware of the physical difficulty level to ensure that you are adequately prepared.

Our scale begins with one hiker,Hiker Iconwhich means low to moderate exertion. Participants should be capable of moving or hiking for several hours at a stretch with short stops every hour. Participants should be in good health!

Our scale ends at four hikers,Hiker IconHiker IconHiker_Dude.jpgHiker Iconto which only the highly experienced outdoor enthusiast should enroll. Good health and hiking or backpacking experience is required. These trips may contain 6-8 hours of walking per day and often involves carrying your own gear. Participants must be able to carry up to a 30 lb pack for up to 5 miles throughout the duration of the hike, while maintaining the pace of the group.

Please read each trip description carefully and call us (520-209-7551) if you have questions before you register. We can help match your child with the correct trip for his/her level.

You do not need to be a professional athlete to take part in an adventure, but you do need to be an active person. A keen desire to learn, have fun, strong motivation and a positive attitude are equally important to success!