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2101 E. River Road | Tucson, AZ 85718
Phone: 520-209-7551 | Fax: 520-209-7575
Office Hours: 8:30am - 5:00pm
CARE: 520-209-7548



Travis Kolter

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Manzanita Enrichment Programs

SITE LEAD: Ashley Glaser  (520) 209-7814

Fourth Quarter Enrollment Opens March 4 at 8:30am.


Enrichment Classes Quarter 4: March 10 - May 16

Download full PDF of Brochure of here

Text Only version of brochure


Late Registration Fee Policy: There will be a $15 late registration fee for any registration received after the registration deadline.

  • If you register the day that classes start, your student will not be able to attend class until the following week.
  • If you register the week that classes begin, contact your Community Schools Program Coordinator at your school to confirm your registration.

Wait Lists: If a class you wanted to register for is FULL, please make sure you add the “Waitlist” class to your cart to ensure you are contacted if a spot becomes available. All waiting list requests are dated, time-stamped, and entered accordingly.

Refund Refunds/Changes:
When dropping out of activities after the first class, you will receive a 50% refund. No refunds will be given after the 2nd day of class. There will be a $10 change fee for any class changes. No refunds if we remove your student from a class.

Procedure for Removing a Child from the Program: Our Community Schools philosophy is to provide children with safe, optimum learning opportunities. Our expectations for behavior are based on appropriate developmental levels and, when necessary, may culminate in removal of a student from a program.

DISCIPLINE  POLICY: The Community Schools Program adheres to the CFSD Student Discipline Matrix, which can be accessed through the following link: https://policy.azsba.org/asba/browse/catalina/catalina/JK-E. Community Schools reserves the right to exclude a student from a Community Schools activity if it is established that the student has violated any provision outlined in the student discipline policies, rules, and/or regulations. Additionally, the Community Schools staff may exercise discretion in removing a student if such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the activity or the school as a whole.

Late Pick-Up:  A late pick-up fee of $3.00 per minute will be assessed for any student who is not picked up within five minutes after the end of their class.

Fees: All fees are due at the time of enrollment, prior to the start of the program. Contact Community Schools for information on payment plans or fee reductions. Fee reductions may be available based on combined family income.

NSF checks: A $25 bank processing fee will be assesed for any returned checks.